Interviews, news and breaking developments for Rick Chesler, action-thriller novelist: Tara Shores series (FBI agent techno-thrillers), OUTCAST Ops series (military action-thrillers), Jurassic Dead series (action-horror), HOTEL MEGALODON (creature feature), and more...
"As of this 'comment' 31 July 2011, I am preparing an expedition to the Chukchi region of Alaska for an extended expedition of a few 'select' individuals for a multi-faceted endeavor of discovery. Mode of transportation is by Zodiak inflatable raft powered by a 40 hp engine. The discoveries can be documented in publication to include discoveries, photographic and ancient ivory beach findings. Wildlife encounters and a tutored educational camping experiences and exploration. For further information contact my blog or gmail account. Feel free to view my blog as well, sincerely, artist Wm. Sidmore
"As of this 'comment' 31 July 2011, I am preparing an expedition to the Chukchi region of Alaska for an extended expedition of a few 'select' individuals for a multi-faceted endeavor of discovery. Mode of transportation is by Zodiak inflatable raft powered by a 40 hp engine. The discoveries can be documented in publication to include discoveries, photographic and ancient ivory beach findings. Wildlife encounters and a tutored educational camping experiences and exploration. For further information contact my blog or gmail account. Feel free to view my blog as well, sincerely, artist Wm. Sidmore